Rules collection
Alphonse Nitpicker's Obscura and Miscellanea
As a service to the WFRP list readers, I have contacted Alphonse Nitpicker,
formerly of Altdorf and a graduate of H.R. Pumpelgroover's School of Law at
Talabheim, to come up with a definitive list of obscure but important rules,
hints, and "list" rules for distribution to the mailing list.
Herr Nitpicker has accepted this task for a nominal fee, being somewhat aged
now and without other employment, but I feel that he brings a great deal of
experience and discretion to the task.
Herr Nitpicker has asked that his word not be taken for granted and that if
you should notice any holes or errors in his interpretations of the WFRP to
please take them up with him.
Below is Herr Nitpicker's first go...
Obscura and Miscellanea
WFRP - WFRP Rulebook
RD - Restless Dead Supplement
OTB - On the Boil Articles
1.1 Changing Careers
Just because a career exit exists does not necessarily mean that it is
available to the character. The character must have opportunity, an instructor
(usually), and a reasonable expectation of executing his duties in the future
career as expected. One cannot, for example, become a Judicial Champion just
because it is listed in the Career Exits for your current career; first, a
position as a Judicial Champion must be opened or vacated; second, you must
prove your worth the noble who would hire you; three, once installed as the
noble's champion, it is very likely that your previously "adventuring"
activities will change to suit the whims of your employer (RD, p81).
Note, you must have the trappings of a career on hand before entering a career.
Some careers (like Mercenary Captain) have implicit trappings (such as a band
of actual mercenaries to captain!).
1.2 The Innate Skills
Innate skills represent natural abilities rather than learned ones.
The Innate Skills are:
Acute Hearing, Excellent Vision, Fleet Footed,
Immunity to Disease, Immunity to Poison, Lightning Reflexes, Linguistics,
Luck, Night Vision, Sixth Sense, Strongman, Very Resilient, Very Strong.
1.3 Gaining "Percentage" Skills
Many basic careers have skills list with a percentage next to them. This is
the chance that a newly created character in the career will gain those
particular skills. However, innate percentage skills are only available to
beginning characters entering their first career and cannot be purchased by
characters entering the career later during the game. (RD83)
1.4 Gaining Innate Skills
You may gain innate skills three ways:
- As one of your background skill rolls
- As one of your percentage skills in your first career
- As a non-percentage skill in a subsequent career.
You may not learn innate skills
- That have a percentage next to them (after character creation)
- By making an Int roll to learn a non-career skill.
2.1 Initiative Order - List Rule
The following rule was popular in past initiative discussions on the list:
Characters attack in I-order, as stated on WFRP page 118. However, each character
may only make one attack on his I-rank. Once all characters have made one
attack, then characters with second attacks may attack in I-order again. Once
all characters with two attacks have attacked, then all characters with three
attacks may attack in I-order, ad infinitum.
This rule is more "realistic" than the one given on WFRP page 118 and less
cumbersome than the Initiative system given in RD.
2.2 Criticals Make You Crazy
Whenever a character takes a critical wound, he gains 1 insanity point which
remains even after the wound is healed. (WFRP page 83). See also Miscellanea.
3.1 Petty Magic Miscellanea
Petty magic spells are simpler and less dangerous than their more potent
cousins. First, your chance of learning a petty magic spell is twice your
Int (fail 96-100) (WFRP page 137). Second, petty magic spells are exempt from spell
failure rolls for low magic points (OTB).
3.2 Spell Failure Rolls
Do Spell Failure Rolls (WFRP page 135) use 2D6 or 1D12?
-WFRP page 135 : 2D6
-OTB : 1D12
Herr Nitpicker prefers 1D12.
4.1 Gaining Insanity
You can gain insanity the following ways:
- Take a critical hit (1 insanity point)
- Fail a Terror Test (not a Fear Test) (1 insanity point)
- Consume a delerient (varies)
- GM discretion (varies)

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